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Helping children find out about healthy eating and staying active

Cook it! Move it! Grow it! Learn it! with Mixer, Flower, Pedal and Searcher

Author: Sidonie Sakula-Barry
Published: 6 October 2020

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Eat Move Learn teaches 7–11-year-olds about healthy eating and being active in a fun way. Meet the Eat Move Learn team – Mixer, Pedal, Searcher and Flower.


I’m Mixer and I’m the cook for the Eat Move Learn team. I love cooking healthy meals and making tasty snacks – the best bit is obviously eating them at the end! It’s even better when I get to cook for my family – everyone making “mmm” noises at the dinner table over my cooking.

In Cook it! you can find out tips like what cooking words mean and equipment you need in the kitchen to get you cooking like a pro – so don’t worry if you’ve never done it before! I’ve also got loads of recipes for you to cook with an adult.

Pedal Pedal

I’m Pedal. I’ve got so much energy, I just want to move – All. The. Time! It drives my Mum bananas, so good thing being active is good for me.

Check out Move it! where I’ve got activities that will get you moving with me – whether it’s inside or outside, so don’t worry about the weather!


I’m Searcher and I love learning new things! I like wowing people with random facts about food and fitness – ask me anything! Did you know that junk food adverts encourage us to eat more unhealthy food? Seeing just 4.4 minutes of food ads can make us eat 60 more calories a day!

If you liked that fact, check out Learn it!, which tells you about what we need to stay healthy and has an A–Z of fruit and veg – I don’t want to brag but I can name a fruit or vegetable for every letter of the alphabet!


I’m Flower and I’m the Eat Move Learn gardener. I like watching things grow and change, plus lots of the foods we eat come from different parts of a plant – so I grow things I can eat! Gardening is also a really fun and easy way to be active, which means Pedal and I are great friends.

You can grow food anywhere – it doesn’t have to be in a garden! You could use a window ledge or even ask about planting something at school. Check out Grow it! for ideas.

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