Exercise calorie calculator
Use our exercise calorie calculator to see how much exercise you need to do to burn off those calories!

Find out how many calories you could burn by doing your favourite activities.
Click on one or more activities below to see how they compare.
How many calories have I burned?
Hopefully, our exercise calculator has given you a better sense of how many calories you can burn by taking part in different activities. All the activities above burn off some calories, though as you can see there are some which burn off more than others.
Whatever kind of activity you enjoy, you can find out how much exercise you will need to do to hit your goals. Even though physical activity, exercise and sports can help you burn off calories which can help you maintain a healthy weight, there are many health benefits to be gained even if you don’t need to lose weight.
The many health benefits of exercise
Staying active is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, physically and mentally.
Moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking, and vigorous-intensity activity, such as jogging, decreases the risk of colon, womb and breast cancer. You can find out more about this here our information.
Free physical activity factsheet
Need help getting started? Our factsheet has all you need to know about keeping active and practical tips to help you get more active in your everyday life.
Getting started
Despite all these benefits, many people find it difficult to keep as active as they need to be for their health. Often time is a big barrier. But there are lots of things you can do during the day which means you don’t have to carve out specific time to exercise.
Why not make a habit of using the stairs rather than the escalator, or if it’s not too far for you, try cycling, walking or jogging instead of taking public transport or driving. Take a look at our article on the joys of city cycling to get inspired.
And remember, find something that gets your body moving that you enjoy doing – even just a few minutes at a time counts!
For more tips and ideas to fit more activity into your daily life, check out our Living an Active Life guide, you can download it or order for free.