Executor information
If you are a solicitor or personal executor dealing with an estate that includes a gift to World Cancer Research Fund, the following information will help in the process of fulfilling the deceased’s last wishes.
On this page
Please let us know about any legacy that is due to us by writing to:
World Cancer Research Fund
140 Pentonville Road
N1 9FW
If you have any queries, please contact our Legacy Income Manager on:
Tel: 020 7343 4200
E-mail: d.gamble-kempe@wcrf.org
Former/other addresses
The following addresses for World Cancer Research Fund may also appear on a will, but please send all correspondence to the 140 Pentonville Road address above.
- 22 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HH
- 19 Harley Street, London W1G 9QJ
- 105 Park Street, London W1Y 3FB
- 11–12 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
- Dept. 9141, Camberwell Way, Sunderland SR9 9AD
Our Registered Charity Number is 1000739.
How to make a legacy payment
Cheques should be made payable to World Cancer Research Fund and addressed, together with all correspondence, to the Legacy Income Manager. If it is preferred to make remittance by direct transfer, please contact us for details.
Pecuniary and specific legacy gifts
If a person has left World Cancer Research Fund a pecuniary or a specific legacy, please provide the following details:
- Name of the deceased
- Last address of the deceased and any former addresses
- Value of the legacy (if known)
- A photocopy of the relevant will clause
- Date of the Grant of Probate or Grant of Confirmation (once known, if applicable)
Residuary legacies
If a person has left World Cancer Research Fund a residuary legacy, please provide us with the following details. These are needed to meet our auditor’s requirements:
- Name of the deceased
- Last address of the deceased and any former addresses
- A photocopy of the will and any codicils
- Date of the Grant of Probate or Grant of Confirmation
- A schedule of assets and liabilities
- Valuations of significant assets
- A copy of the estate accounts
- Statements of income from estates (R185 forms)
Further guidance
The Institute of Legacy Management has a useful guidance note for executors where the will includes a legacy to any registered UK charity.
Where a legacy has been left to “Cancer Research”
Sometimes a will is drafted that does not give our full name. It may simply say the legacy is left to “Cancer Research” but there are several charities in the UK involved in this field.
Other information in the will may indicate that the legacy is intended for us, such as our Registered Charity Number or our current or former addresses (see above).
However, if this is not made clear in the will, please contact us. We can provide further information and details of whether the deceased supported World Cancer Research Fund during their lifetime.

Get in touch
I’m Dominic, the Legacy Income Manager here at World Cancer Research Fund. If you require any further information, or if I can help or support in any way during the course of the administration of the estate you are dealing with, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
t: 020 7343 4200
e: d.gamble-kempe@wcrf.org