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Living with cancer

Helping you to cope with common side-effects of cancer and cancer treatment, advice on how to eat well during cancer, and your questions about cancer answered.

Cancer and Nutrition Helpline
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Cancer and Nutrition Helpline

Our Oncology Specialist Dietitians are here to answer all of your questions

Your questions answered
A woman with a shaved head sitting on a windowsill looking at her tablet

Your questions answered

Help with diet and exercise-related issues during cancer treatment

Eat well during cancer
Eat Well During Cancer guide on a plate

Eat well during cancer

Recipes and lifestyle advice for while you’re going through treatment

Cook through cancer
Woman cooking a colourful and nutritious quinoa stir-fry with mixed vegetables and a drizzle of olive oil.

Cook through cancer

Free, online cookery classes for people affected by cancer

Cancer prehabilitation
Woman cooking a colourful and nutritious quinoa stir-fry with mixed vegetables and a drizzle of olive oil.

Cancer prehabilitation

Find out more about prehabilitation, including what it is and what to expect if you go through the process

Latest research on cancer survival

Latest research on cancer survival

We review the latest evidence

Enjoy food again
Ryan Riley

Enjoy food again

Browse recipes by chef and Life Kitchen founder Ryan Riley, which all focus on flavour

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Tricia doing some gardening

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Advice, sharing stories from people and their experience of cancer, plus latest research