Science and policy library
Our library contains reports, consultation responses, snapshots and statements. Use the filters or search directly to find the resource you’re looking for.
10-year UK Cancer Plan response
10-year UK Cancer Plan response
A pilot study benchmarking physical activity policy actions in Europe: lessons learned from the CO-CREATE project
A pilot study benchmarking physical activity policy actions in Europe: lessons learned from the CO-CREATE project
Accelerating Cancer Prevention Efforts
Accelerating Cancer Prevention Efforts
Download and read this briefing developed for the 77th World Health Assembly: 27 May – 1 June 2024
Active grants infographic
Active grants infographic
Alcohol and cancer policy position
Alcohol and cancer policy position
Alcoholic drinks and cancer
Alcoholic drinks and cancer
Ambitious, SMART commitments to address NCDs, overweight & obesity
Ambitious, SMART commitments to address NCDs, overweight & obesity
Bladder cancer protocol
Bladder cancer protocol
Bladder cancer report
Bladder cancer report
Bladder cancer systematic literature review
Bladder cancer systematic literature review
Body fatness and weight gain and cancer
Body fatness and weight gain and cancer
Breast cancer survivors report