How to leave a gift
An up-to-date will ensures your wishes for leaving gifts to the people and causes you care about will be clearly understood.
It’s an important but daunting job we often put off.

If you want to update an existing will or you’re planning to write your first the process can be simpler than you think and including a gift to charity, once you’ve remembered your loved ones, is very easy to do.
If you’re considering including a gift to World Cancer Research Fund we’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’. You will be helping rewrite the future and giving generations to come the power to prevent cancer.
Writing your will
We recommend getting your will written or updated by a will writing professional. This ensures that your will is written correctly and there’ll be less chance of your wishes being contested. It’s part of the free will writing service we offer because we understand it’s important to ensure your wishes are followed.
Our step by step will writing guide and our easy will planner (PDF) checklist will help with some of the practical information you might need to consider, as well as including information about why we need your support.
Here are some tips to help you make your will
Before you begin the will making process, it is a good idea to think about:
- the main things you own – like a house, shares, endowments, savings or life insurance policies – and roughly what they are worth
- who you would like to include – after you have looked after your loved ones, we do hope you’ll consider leaving a gift to World Cancer Research Fund in your will to help give future generations the power to prevent cancer
- who your executors will be? – You need to appoint up to 4 people, who will be responsible for paying off any liabilities and distributing your Estate according to the wishes set in your will
- the type of gifts you want to leave the people and charities you care about – different types of gifts can be included in your will. Your solicitor will be able to explain this in more detail or you can look in our free will writing guide for more information about this

Get in touch
I’m Michael, Head of Legacy Development, and if you’d like to talk to me about leaving a gift in your will, please get in touch. I’m happy to answer any questions, in strictest confidence. For more information please contact me:
t: 020 7343 4200