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Joint WHO consultation response on the prevention and control of NCDs

Submission prepared by the NCD Alliance, and supported by ACT Health Promotion, Africa NCDs Network, Alianza ENT Chile, Alzheimer’s Disease International, ANAQ Foundation Ghana, Burundi NCD Alliance, Cameroon Civil Society NCD Alliance, Cancer Research UK, Coalicion America Saludable (CLAS), Ghana NCD Alliance, Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Healthy India Alliance, International Association for Dental Research, International Society of Nephrology, Movendi International, NCD Child, Norwegian Cancer Society, Swedish Hear Lung Foundation, Tanzania NCD Alliance, The George Institute, Umane, Vital Strategies and World Cancer Research Fund International on the second WHO consultation on the updated Appendix 3 of the Global action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs 2013–2030.

Submitted August 2022.