NOURISHING nutrition policy country snapshots
We assessed diet-related policies in 30 European countries to see how well the policies are designed.
We produced a snapshot of the policy landscape in 30 European countries, looking at what policies exist and how well-designed they are. The countries are:
Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Czechia | Denmark | England | Estonia| Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Malta | Netherlands | Northern Ireland | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Scotland | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Wales
> Download all 30 country snapshots as a bundle or individually in our resource library
The country snapshots supplement our NOURISHING nutrition policy index, which examined the strengths and weaknesses of policy design and policy actions in the 30 European countries.
In our resource library you can:
- Read more about each country
- Download snapshots in English or national languages
- Download all 30 snapshots in English as a bundle
- Download the policy briefs that explain the snapshots

New policy tools challenge Europe to act against youth obesity
Our policy indexes show the status of nutrition & physical activity policy in Europe and enable young people to advocate for better policies to tackle obesity.