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Eat well during cancer

If you’re living with cancer or having cancer treatment, you might not be able to eat and drink what you are used to, or as much. This can be difficult, especially if you’ve always enjoyed your food and now find mealtimes challenging.

Cover of Eat well during cancer guide

Eat well during cancerOn top of the symptoms caused by cancer itself, treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery can cause side-effects that make it more difficult to eat normally and absorb what you need from food.

Who is this advice for?

This guide is for people living with cancer and those having cancer treatment who not only want to learn about coping with these side-effects, but also want advice on a diet and lifestyle that is as healthy as possible.

This is general advice and not suitable for people who:

  • are eating very little
  • have lost a lot of weight unintentionally
  • or are receiving palliative care

If this applies to you, you’ll need specialist information and advice from your oncologist or cancer team.

If you follow a special diet for another medical condition, such as heart disease, diabetes or renal failure, or have had a colostomy or ileostomy, this website may not be suitable for you.

Talk to your doctor or dietitian about safe changes to make to your diet.

Are you sugar savvy?

A game for health professionals to use with patients and clients concerned about their sugar intake.

Are you sugar savvy?

Sugar savvy gameUse this game at health-related events and workshops to show people how much sugar some drinks contain. It helps to encourage people to limit their intake of sugary drinks and replace them with low-sugar or sugar-free options.

This resource has been designed for you to use with your patients and clients. We have lots of other booklets, posters and cookbooks for patients to take home.

Changing behaviours

Helping health professionals to have effective conversations with patients and clients about healthy lifestyle choices.

Changing behaviours

Changing behavioursThis guide supports health professionals to have effective conversations with patients and clients about healthy lifestyle choices.

It includes listening and communication techniques, as well as examples and activities to complete.

To order a print copy, or multiple copies, please email

This resource has been designed for you to use with your patients and clients. We have lots of other booklets, posters and cookbooks for patients to take home.

Fundraising guide

Your complete guide to fundraising, from inspiration to get you started to details on how to pay in your donations.

Your fundraising guide

Protect yourself against bowel cancer

Bowel cancer (also known as colorectal cancer) is the 3rd most common cancer in the UK with nearly 50,000 new cases every year. But evidence suggests around half of these cases could be prevented if we all lived healthier lifestyles.

Cover of Protect yourself against bowel cancer guide

Pages from Protect yourself against bowel cancer9 out of 10 cases of bowel cancer are diagnosed in people over 50. Our lifestyles today can affect our chances of developing the disease in the future.

With information on who is most at risk of this disease, this handy leaflet has practical tips on how you can change your diet and lifestyle to reduce your risk of developing bowel cancer.

This leaflet also has guidance on the symptoms to look out for, plus information on screening.

Women’s health guide

This booklet provides you with information about the cancers women are most at risk of and offers practical advice and tips to reduce your risk.

Women's health guide cover

Today’s busy lifestyles mean that our health can sometimes slip down the priority list. Women especially are renowned for putting others first, and when it comes to cancer, it’s easy to see why it isn’t seen as a concern right now.

People sometimes think that cancer is caused by bad luck or genes. However, the positive message of this booklet is that every woman can do something to reduce her cancer risk.

With guidance on keeping a healthy weight, mixing up your movement and eating well, plus specialist information on pregnancy and the menopause, this is the guide that you – or the women in your life – need.

Men’s health guide

This booklet is specially designed for men. It looks at the cancers that are most common in men, and gives lots of tips and advice on how you – or the men in your life – can be healthier and make cancer less likely.

Cover of Men's health guide

Find out the facts and stay in control of your health with our recently updated Men’s health guide.

Our guide covers the most common cancers in men in the UK, with the latest scientific evidence on how you can help to reduce your risk.

We help you stay on top of lifestyle factors such as exercise, eating and drinking, with real-life advice on the foods to avoid and how to make change last.

10 ways to protect yourself against cancer

A comprehensive guide to our Cancer Prevention Recommendations, packed with tips on what simple changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle that will help reduce your risk of cancer.

Cover of 10 ways to protect yourself against cancer guide

The Cancer Prevention Recommendations in this booklet are based on the latest comprehensive review of research on cancer prevention and survival, related to diet, weight and physical activity, to ensure we provide the most reliable and up-to-date guidance on reducing your cancer risk.

As well as a comprehensive guide to all our Recommendations, this booklet contains practical advice to help you make healthy lifestyle choices to help protect yourself against cancer, as well as other diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Also available as a poster

5 simple steps to a healthier you

Our practical guide to staying healthy, with real-life tips.

Cover of 5 Simple steps guide

Why not download or order today, and find out our five steps to stay healthy?

Our guide is one of the clearest available for people wanting to make healthy changes to their lifestyle, but who aren’t sure where to start.

If you want real-life advice, practical tips and a handy guide that you can keep in your bag to browse, then this is the guide for you.


Living an active life

This guide is for anyone wanting to get more active in their daily lives.

Living an active life

Living an active life imageKeeping physically active can have a big impact on our health – physically and mentally. It can have an immediate impact on our health and, importantly, if we keep doing it, it helps protect it for the future. It can also help reduce our risk of developing certain cancers. However, current levels of physical activity are insufficient for optimal health.

Nowadays getting active can be harder, especially with more of us doing a sedentary job. This can mean we end up sitting a lot more than is good for our health. In fact, on average we sit for around 12 hours a day!

Where possible, we should all try to minimise the amount of time we spend sedentary and sat down for.

There are lots of positive things you can do to combat this. This guide is packed full of practical tips and advice to help you move more and fit more activity into your day.

It looks at the benefits of doing different types of activities on our health and the importance of keeping active throughout our life. It also provides you with several exercises you can try – all from the comfort of your home.

Ready for a more active you?

Weight matters: Keeping healthy in an unhealthy world

Our guide if for anyone wanting to manage their weight

Weight matters

Weight matters imageThis comprehensive guide is for anyone who wants to manage their weight – whether that’s losing weight or helping stop the pounds from creeping on.

Today’s modern food environment can make weight gain easier and weight loss harder, however, there are lots of positive things you can do to combat this.

Packed full of practical tips and advice to help you manage your weight – this guide gives you lots of positive lifestyle changes you can make – easily and healthily.

We help you stay on top of your weight goals by providing the advice and tips you need. It looks at practical ways of building more activity into your everyday life, what and how much to eat and drink, and how to make your healthy habits stick.

Making sense of food and drink labelling

Getting to grips with food labels makes it easier to choose healthy food and drink.

Making sense of food and drink labelling

Our simple A5 guide makes it easy to understand nutrition labels on food and drink packaging. It also includes a handy credit card-sized mini-guide for you to use while out shopping.

Our guide explains the terms used on food labels including serving size, nutrients, reference intakes and traffic light labels.

We also help you to understand health claims made on food labels such as ‘no added sugar’, ‘reduced fat’ and ‘low fat’.

Understanding food and drink labels can be a great first step towards making healthier choices when shopping.