World Health Organization renews WCRF’s official relations status

The World Health Organization has renewed our official relations status, giving us a platform to promote cancer prevention policy.

9 February 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) 150th Executive Board has renewed World Cancer Research Fund International’s official relations status and approved our next three-year collaboration from 2022–24.

This is a privilege that the Executive Board endows non-state actors, granting access to governing body meetings and joint work plans in priority areas.

Our continued, systematic engagement with the WHO will focus on nutrition policy, physical activity, obesity, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and cancer survivorship through a range of activities such as advocacy, providing evidence, and disseminating WHO tools and guidelines.

We look forward to working in partnership with the WHO to help people reduce their risk of cancer and NCDs, and contribute to the health and wellbeing of cancer survivors.