Vegetarian recipes
Meat-free recipes don’t have to be boring. These recipes are packed with flavour and are designed to tempt your tastebuds
Featured recipes
Tortilla pizza

Tortilla pizza
Crispy stuffed mushrooms

Crispy stuffed mushrooms
Chickpea and bean casserole

Chickpea and bean casserole
More veggie treats
All our recipes are easy to follow and aim to make healthy vegan meals fun and delicious – we hope you enjoy our recipe collection
Banana and date muffins

Banana and date muffins
The perfect grab-and-go snack that’s lower in calories than many shop-bought alternatives
3 ratings
Banana and peanut butter flapjacks

Banana and peanut butter flapjacks
A tempting snack that’s easy to nibble on and rich in calories
8 ratings
Banana bread

Banana bread
A vegan version of the lockdown favourite, packed with healthy nuts and seeds
1 ratings
Basil and mushroom cannelloni with harissa ricotta

Basil and mushroom cannelloni with harissa ricotta
Cavolo nero is full of nutrients such as vitamins A and C, B-vitamins such as folate, and vitamin K
1 ratings
Bean goulash with mustard mash

Bean goulash with mustard mash
This combo of tangy mash and smoky veggie goulash is comfort food at its best
1 ratings