Joint statements to WHO on involvement of non-state actors in WHO governing bodies
Joint statement by World Obesity Federation, NCD Alliance and World Cancer Research Fund International to the World Health Organization’s Executive Board 150 on agenda item 21.2 WHO reform: involvement of non-State actors in WHO’s governing bodies.
Delivered January 2022.
Joint statement by UICC, WCRF International, WHF, WOF and supported by NCD Alliance to the WHO Executive Board 148 on agenda item 19.2 on WHO reform – Involvement of non-State actors in WHO’s governing bodies.
Delivered January 2021.
Joint statement by UICC, ISN, WCRF International and the Union, supported by NCD Alliance to the WHO Executive Board’s 146 on agenda item agenda item 22.1 WHO reform: The involvement of non-state actors in WHO’s governing bodies.
Delivered February 2020.