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Bladder cancer statistics

Find out the number of bladder cancer cases worldwide in 2022, the latest year for which data is available. Plus discover how rates differ for men and women, and the number of people who die from bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer graphic

Latest bladder cancer data

There were 614,298 new cases of bladder cancer in 2022.

The tables below give information about the countries with the highest rates, incidence and mortality from bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer age-standardised rates

Age-standardised rates (ASR) are a summary measure of the rate of disease that a population would have if it had a standard age structure. Standardisation is necessary when comparing populations that differ with respect to age because age has a powerful influence on the risk of developing/dying from cancer.

It is important to note that some countries have a high ASR but a low total number of cases, while other have a low ASR but a high number of cases. This is because ASRs are reported per 100,000 people. So, for example, an ASR of 10 in a population of 100,000 = 10 cases of cancer, but an ASR of 1 in a population of 10 million = 100 cases.

The following table gives the top 5 countries by ASR for bladder cancer incidence for both sexes combined.

Country New cases 2022 ASR
Spain 21,418 19.3
Greece 5,122 18.1
Italy 34,580 18.1
Netherlands 7,835 17.4
Denmark 2,501 16.8

The following tables give the top 5 countries by ASR for bladder cancer for men and women in 2022.

Country New cases in men ASR
Spain 17,011 32.4
Greece 4,257 32.2
Italy 27,211 30.4
Netherlands 5,759 26.4
Egypt 10,416 26.1
Country New cases in women ASR
Burkina Faso 532 9.3
Netherlands 2,076 9.2
Denmark 666 8.6
Canada 3,982 7.9
Spain 4,407 7.8

Bladder cancer incidence (cases)

China, the US and Italy had the highest number of bladder cancer cases in 2022.

The following 3 tables show the 10 countries with the highest bladder cancer incidence in 2022 – 1st for both sexes, then men and women separately. We have also included the ASRs for each of these countries.

Rank Country New cases ASR/100,000
Total 614,298 5.6
1 China 92,883 3.4
2 US 80,404 10.5
3 Italy 34,580 18.1
4 Japan 34,568 7.0
5 Germany 29,035 12.4
6 UK 23,643 13.4
7 India 22,548 1.6
8 Spain 21,418 19.3
9 France (metropolitan) 19,733 10.1
10 Russia 19,352 6.9
Rank Country New cases in men ASR/100,000
Total 471,293 9.3
1 China 73,218 5.7
2 US 61,657 17.3
3 Italy 27,211 30.4
4 Japan 25,132 12.2
5 Germany 21,387 19.5
6 India 17,668 2.5
7 UK 17,555 21.1
8 Spain 17,011 32.4
9 France (metropolitan) 16,042 18.4
10 Russia 14,667 13.6
Rank Country New cases in women ASR/100,000
Total 143,005 2.4
1 China 19,665 1.4
2 US 18,747 4.6
3 Japan 9,436 2.5
4 Germany 7,648 6.2
5 Italy 7,369 7.7
6 UK 6,088 6.5
7 Brazil 4,938 2.9
8 India 4,880 0.68
9 Russia 4,685 2.6
10 Spain 4,407 7.8

Bladder cancer deaths

China, the US and India had the highest number of deaths from bladder cancer in 2022.

The following 3 tables show the 10 countries with the highest number of bladder cancer deaths in 2022 – 1st for both sexes, then men and women separately. We have also included the ASRs for each of these countries.

Rank Country Number ASR/100,000
World 220,596 1.8
1 China 41,367 1.3
2 US 17,705 1.9
3 India 12,353 0.87
4 Japan 10,928 1.5
5 Germany 9,180 2.7
6 Italy 8,254 3.1
7 France (metropolitan) 7,934 3.4
8 Egypt 7,481 8.8
9 UK 6,823 2.9
10 Brazil 6,146 1.8
Rank Country Number in men ASR/100,000
World 165,672 3.1
1 China 32,525 2.3
2 US 12,830 3.1
3 India 9,754 1.4
4 Japan 7,221 2.5
5 Germany 6,382 4.3
6 Italy 6,373 5.5
7 France (metropolitan) 6,186 6.2
8 Egypt 5,838 15.6
9 UK 4,730 4.3
10 Spain 4,684 6.4
Rank Country Number in women ASR/100,000
World 54,294 0.80
1 China 8,842 0.52
2 US 4,875 0.52
3 Japan 3,707 075
4 Germany 2,798 1.5
5 India 2,599 0.36
6 UK 2,093 1.7
7 Italy 1,881 1.2
8 Brazil 1,757 0.91
9 France (metropolitan) 1,748 1.2
10 Egypt 1,643 3.5