More breast cancer research
Defining the role of diet and age in the spreading of breast cancer
This research assesses metabolism, gene and protein expression in breast cancer cells, aged, obese and control mice with breast tumours and patient samples to understand formation of metastasis
Body mass index in childhood and risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer
The study aims to determine whether a larger body size in childhood protects against a risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer.
How do persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in diet affect endometrial and breast cancer risk?
More breast cancer research
How does exercise improve cancer-related fatigue in patients with advanced breast cancer?
Folic acid, epigenetic regulation of BRCA genes and DNA repair
This research is a step towards helping nutritionists devise dietary recommendations for folic acid intake
Can a diet rich in polyphenols improve the health of breast cancer survivors?
We’re funding a new research project into whether a diet rich in polyphenols is related to better health among breast cancer survivors
More breast cancer research
Isoflavones and lignans in breast cancer among Chinese women
This Hong Kong study will add to the data on the effects of dietary phytoestrogen on breast cancer outcomes
Identification of metabolic signatures related to stress and breast cancer risk and survival
Plasma carotenoids, vitamin C and risk of breast cancer
This research found that women with higher levels of certain antioxidants appeared to have lower breast cancer risk
More breast cancer research
Using mindfulness to reduce stress in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
Folic acid, epigenetic regulation of BRCA genes and DNA repair
This research is a step towards helping nutritionists devise dietary recommendations for folic acid intake
Breast cancer and exercise: improving quality of life in cancer survivors
This study will investigate if exercise can prevent functional disability in breast cancer survivors