Hungary: physical activity policy snapshot

This snapshot presents strengths and weaknesses of national physical activity policy actions in Hungary. Compare Hungary with other European countries in our MOVING policy index.

> Read the MOVING snapshot for Hungary in English or Hungarian

Hungary implements policy actions in all 6 areas of the MOVING framework, but the highest assessment achieved was only moderate, for initiatives that promote physical activity in schools, community and recreation (M) and physical activity opportunities in the workplace and training (O). Therefore, further action and policy design are needed throughout the policy areas of MOVING.

Gaps within specific policy areas were identified in physical activity outside of school hours (M), active design guidelines (V) and physical activity guidelines (N). Weaknesses within policy areas were seen in physical activity in the workplace (O), improving road safety actions and policies supporting public transport (I), and the inclusion of physical activity training beyond primary care (G).

Although action is taken in all areas of the MOVING framework, much more needs to be done to improve structures and surroundings that promote physical activity (V) and providing physical activity to those within healthcare (G), where a poor assessment was achieved. Improvements should be made to transport infrastructures promoting active societies (I). Action and good policy design in both areas V and I is key to improving overall environments that enable physical activity.

Download a full analysis and breakdown of Hungary’s results

This country snapshot presents detailed results of the MOVING policy index for Hungary. Full index results are outlined in the MOVING policy brief, which compares Hungary with other European countries and explains the methods for producing this snapshot and the index.

The index assesses if national government policy actions exist across all areas of the MOVING framework and, if so, how well designed they are. We produced this assessment by benchmarking policies from Hungary, collected through a comprehensive scan. You can view all benchmarked policies in our MOVING database.

Overview of physical activity policy status in Hungary

Hungary MOVING overview

NOURISHING country snapshots

We also have snapshots of nutrition policies in 30 European countries. Visit the Hungary page or see all the country snapshots.

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The policy landscape in any country evolves over time. These findings reflect our knowledge as of May 2023. To provide feedback or suggest updates, please get in touch.

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