MOVING country snapshots
We assessed physical activity policies in 30 European countries to see how well the policies are designed.
We produced a snapshot of the policy landscape in 30 European countries, looking at what policies exist and how well-designed they are. The countries are:
Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | England | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Malta | Netherlands | Northern Ireland | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Scotland | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Wales
The country snapshots supplement our MOVING physical activity policy index, which examines the strengths and weaknesses of policy design and policy actions in the 30 European countries as a whole. The country snapshots and policy index were published in 2023 as part of the CO-CREATE project.
In our Resource library you can:
- Read more about each country
- Download snapshots in English or national languages
- Download all 30 snapshots in English as a bundle
- Download the policy briefs that explain the snapshots

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